A quieter month, but there is still a lot of sculling and quads and fours are going out regularly. The fun boats initiative has been a real success and Water Vole and Snuffy are probably the busiest boats in the club.
The COVID situation is volatile, but so far rowing has been exempt from the new Rule of 6. Therefore we have decided to restart our regular sessions. We must record our outings and keep sessions under 30 people, so we will use Fitclub.me to manage crews. Sessions need coaches and session managers, so we will ask for volunteers. Richard Berkley will send out an email explaining how it will work. As COVID regulations are changing constantly, we may need to cancel this at short notice.
Goring Gap News are looking for a volunteer Sports Editor to report on the local sports clubs, including ourselves. If you like GGN and want to help the local community, contact Paul Bradstock.
These attractive, high quality GGBC mugs are still available. £8 each or 6 for £40. Proceeds go to the club. Email Ros Crowder if you would like some.