Long Row plan

The plan for the sponsored Long Row on 3 June is firming up. We will row an eight, Mark Hayter, and a coxed quad, Bob Bushnell,  32 miles from the City of Oxford Rowing Club to our current base at the Oratory boathouse. We will have Keith Jackson’s 6 meter rib and Murray Bracewell’s 4×4 to support us. There are 18 rowers, who will alternate between the two boats and our support rib and 4×4, with as many as possible taking a turn to cox one boat or the other.

The route involves the passage of ten locks. We have agreed stopping points at Abingdon Rowing Club (mile 8) and Wallingford Rowing Club (mile 21). On the basis of an average speed of 5 mph and 20 minutes at each lock and stopping point, the row would take 10.5 hours, as per the schedule. So leaving at 7:30 am we should be home just before 6 pm. But in reality it could be quicker or slower and much will depend on getting away on time and queues at locks.

If anyone wants to come along and support us at any point, they are very welcome!

The purpose of the row is for everyone to have a great, if testing, day out and to raise funds for the new boathouse. If anyone would like to donate they can do so on our MyDonate page.

The sponsorship form gives a bit more detail.