Regatta Training Update Week 2 & 3

To all Regatta Volunteers

We have now successfully completed our second week of Regatta Training and we are therefore half way there. For the mathematicians,144 sessions delivered,144 to go!


Fortunately, the weather has been much kinder during Week 2 and those regatta crews that went out in Week 1 have really noticed the difference. While we have had no “red boards” and quite a lot of sunshine, our valiant coxes have had to deal with strong cross-winds, particularly during the second half of the week. I believe these conditions will continue into Week 3.

In response, Session Managers have been allocating more experienced Coxes to novice crews and vice versa. This has worked well and should be continued.

By the end of the Regatta Training season we should hopefully end up with a significantly larger group of “coxes for all seasons”.


We have obviously been carrying out minor running repairs throughout the first 2 weeks – typically the occasional bent rudder, various seat problems and replacing / tightening nuts, bolts, straps etc. I also need to report that Ratty has suffered some sax-board damage at stroke (opposite the rigger) almost certainly caused by a rower getting his or her handle caught on either Thursday or Friday. An assessment is needed as to how this is repaired / made safe. I am also concerned about a potentially sharp edge which could cause injury to a novice stroke.

For now, I would recommend that:

All coxes be aware of the current condition of Ratty
That Ratty be made safe – tape?
Given that all 4 boats have been subject to 2 weeks heavy usage, that they be checked over by the Captain of Boats during a Club session?
That all coxes remember to REPORT DAMAGE as soon as it happens.


During the first week and a half, we have enjoyed a fantastic level of helper support from people like Jimmy, Andrew and others. This has tailed off during the second half of Week 2 so…if you are not a Cox or a Session Manager, there is always plenty to do and Session Managers would really appreciate an extra pair of hands to set up sessions, help crews in and out and provide an extra pair of eyes etc..


As a number of you have reported, some crews have been booking themselves in as Coxes rather than as Crews. This obviously means that some potential coxes can’t clearly see vacancies while others are reluctant to over-write someone else’s booking.

On Friday, I sent an individual message to each of these crews asking them to delete and rebook. At the same time, I sent a message to ALL crews asking them to beware of this pitfall. Since the response to these messages was not immediate, and other crews have done the same thing during the past 48 hours (moving target), I have today called or left messages for as many crews as possible and have sent further messages to them all via e-allocator.

In light this, and if you are wishing to book in as a cox, please now feel free to over-write a crew entry in the Cox column. The crews have been advised / warned that they run the risk of being turned away unless they rebook.

Resourcing for Week 3

I am pleased to report that Thursday and Saturday are currently fully resourced (although things can change!).

I am still short of the following:
A Session Manager for Friday, 6th July
A number of Coxes for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
The overall position is a follows:


Day Date Session Coxes Coxes Coxing
Manager Required Available Shortfall

Mon    25 June 2012     Tracy     4 2 -2
Tues   26 June 2012     David P  4 3 -1
Wed   27 June 2012      Karl        4 3.3 -0.7
Thur   28 June 2012    Tim Gill  4 4 0
Fri      29 June 2012      ?              4 3 – 1
Sat     30 June 2012      Geoff      4 4 0
24 19.3 -4.7

Once again, please volunteer and close off as many of these gaps as you can.

With thanks and best regards,
