Regatta Call for Volunteers

Dear Club Member,

As you are all aware, the Club will be hosting the annual Goring & Streatley Regatta which will take place on Saturday 21st July.

Building on the success of the recent Goring & Streatley Jubilee Pageant, the Regatta will add considerable momentum to our drive to raise our profile in the community, to generate funds and to secure a permanent home for the Club.  Under the leadership of Ros Crowder, a core group of volunteers has ensured that all the necessary planning is in place and within a week or so of opening for entries, more than 40 of the 50 crew places had already been taken.

The real challenge – mobilising as many members as possible to volunteer a few hours to help out – now begins!  Rest assured that there is a guaranteed job for everyone and even if you have not done so previously, please get involved.  It is always great fun and you will be supported all the way.

We are calling for volunteers in 2 main areas:

  1. Regatta Training
  2. A range of other key tasks before, during and after the Regatta.


1. Regatta Training

This years training sessions are being organised by Geoff Arnold who has asked me to pass on the following appeal:

The Challenge:

  • As in prior years, each crew entered will receive 4 progressive training sessions spread over a four week period starting on Monday 18th June
  • Training sessions will run Monday to Friday (6:30 pm to 8:45 pm) and Saturday mornings (10:00 am to 12:15 pm)
  • We can expect to have to have up to 4 restricted fours on the water for each training session and each boat will need to complete 3 outings of 45 minutes per crew!
  • This adds up to a staggering: 12 individual outings per training session, 72 outings per week or 288 outings over the 4 weeks of training!

What we need:

  • Session Managers for a total of 32 sessions
  • Coxes to steer the Regatta Crews through their preparation

Ideally we need

  • A core group of 6 experienced Session Managers (you know who you are) who can commit to cover one session per week.
  • Any member who has already coxed, has recently attended an initiation to coxing or is keen to give it a go, to sign up for one or more evenings per week.


For anyone interested in developing their skills as a cox, this is the ideal opportunity to learn without the pressure of coxing fellow members and in what should be fine conditions.


Even if you’ve never coxed before or are worried about the commands etc., we will be there to help and encourage.  Remember that for all of us, this is about acquiring new skills, meeting lots of new people and above all, having fun!  Geoff will be on hand to provide a briefing for Coxes and Session Managers new to regatta training on both Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th June at 11:00 am and should also be on site for most training sessions.

Next Steps

  • If you are able to Cox or Session Manage (or both), please email Geoff by return at or give him a call on either 01189-844139 (H) or 0782 787 1714 (Mob)
  • If you are unsure or want to know more about what’s involved, give Geoff a call

All volunteers will receive:

  • Log-on details and a password to the e-allocator application (the key to our resource planning)
  • A free copy of the GGBC Coxing Handbook (in glorious colour)
  • Guidance Notes for Coxes and a laminated checklist for use on training days
  • Guidance Notes for Session Managers and a tailored checklist for running regatta training sessions


2.  Pre – Regatta Tasks and Regatta Day

In addition to Regatta Training, we will also need an army of volunteers to help in a variety of ways in the days immediately before, during and after the Regatta. Volunteers for these tasks are being co-ordinated by Stewart Cowen and include:

  • Distributing leaflets and posters at local events, in the workplace and local businesses
  • Setting up the Regatta site itself
  • Transporting boats and other equipment from Whitchurch to the site
  • Signage and various displays
  • Manning “race control” on the day
  • Coxing crews on the day
  • Marshalling crews and cars
  • Manning the bar
  • Admin and Finance support to the Treasurer

If you are able to help in any way please contact Stuart Cowen at who holds the definitive list of all vacancies!  No previous experience is required and all offers of help will be much appreciated regardless of whether it’s a couple of hours or a whole day.

With best regards,
