The £10 Boathouse Challenge

As you are aware we recently launched the Boathouse Development Fund with an entertaining evening in the company of Zac Purchase. We are now ready to launch the first phase of fundraising and would like to invite all GGBC members to come along to one or both of the club sessions over the weekend of 11th / 12th May to participate in fun rowing activities, enjoy bacon/egg rolls and drinks and help us make a start on raising the funds for our new boathouse.

We will provide club members with a £10 note and a challenge – to take it away and double the value, or triple it, or make as much money as possible over the next six months! We will ask you to bring it back later in the year along with any profit you have made. Please come along and enjoy some rowing in the company of other club members and take away your £10 note. We hope to see you on 11th (from 9am) or 12th (from 10am) May to make a start on generating the funds for the boathouse

New boathouse appeal with Zac Purchase

On Thursday we launched our new boathouse appeal with the help of Olympic champion Zac Purchase who gave an inspiring talk and answered questions from the audience.  We all tried on his silver and gold medals and listened to him enthusiastically describing what it took to be the best. The evening was a great success. More photos

A big THANK YOU goes out to Zac, all those involved with organising the event and all those who attended. Stay tuned for more on our boathouse soon.Zac with members of the commitee

Zac Purchase evening

Club Members

 GGBC needs you

 Come to the exciting launch of our new boat club on

March 21st at Goring Village Hall

Starts 7.30pm


Guest speaker: Zac Purchase


Tickets £7.50 in advance, includes cheese and wine and raffle

Open to all – bring friends and family


 Raffle prizes wanted. Please email if you have anything suitable.

Flooding on the news

BBC Oxford TV recently did a piece about flooding on the Thames, and when they wanted to film the effects of flooding on local river users, they came down to Gatehampton for an interview. It ‘s just a pity that they were there because, once again we are flooded, although this time it’s much less severe than it was last year.

Wellies in the shed