March Newsletter

We are all looking forward to restarting rowing from Monday 29th.

We plan to hold the 2021 Goring and Streatley Regatta on 17 July. We do not know yet what COVID-19 precautions will be in place but it seems that government restrictions will relax enough for us to hold an event. If 17 July is impossible we will fall back to a September date. Unless we are in total lockdown, we should be able to hold some kind of race. We will need plenty of volunteers to help with regatta training over the preceding month, site set-up in the days leading up to the 17th and running the event itself. Please get in touch with Nick Josephy, who is regatta chairman this year. It should be a great day out for the whole family after a long and dreary lockdown!

The next Learn2Row course will be held on Saturdays 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th April. The cost of the course is £150 but if our graduates join the club within the month they will get £50 refunded. We still have a few places available, so contact Richard Berkley if you would like to join or you know anyone who would.

There have been work parties over the last few weekends getting the boathouse and site into shape for the new season. The boathouse and grounds are looking far better. There were some pretty grim jobs like cleaning the pontoon, our kitchen, the toilets, Snuffy’s hull and the whole of the launch, so big thanks to all involved.

We recently linked up with Goring Gap Wildlife Walks, aka Steve Godz. Steve is helping us rebuild our otter holt which was washed away by the floods. A new site has been chosen on the other side of the slipway, with the kind permission of the Steljes. As you can see, a start has been made with Brian Barnes’ digger and we are confident the new otter holt will be much more suitable for the otters and longer lasting.

Alastair Davies is putting together crews for a virtual rowing race to replace the Ocean to City race in Co. Cork, Ireland. It looks like a great way to keep fit and get back on the water in racing crews. Alastair has more information in the attached flier.