Club News

New Boathouse

Those of you who travel by train over the bridge near Lower Basildon may have noticed that things have started happening on the site of our new boathouse. Scorpion, our contractors are starting to clear the site and will then begin the construction of the boathouse shell.


The site is not accessible except by the contractors due to health and safety reasons but as soon as it is possible we hope to arrange a site visit so that club members will be able to see the progress. Further details to follow.

Public Meeting

We are planning a public meeting open to all Goring Gap Boat Club members and anyone in the local community to provide information on the plans, timescales and funds required for the boathouse. This will take place on 7th November at 8pm In the Garden Room at Goring Village Hall and will be an opportunity to engage the wider public and generate interest in supporting this initiative.

Prior to this there will be a boat house planning meeting for interested club members to help with determining all the tasks to be carried out in order to move to the new site and how they all interlink. The meeting will take place on Wednesday 25 October in Goring Social Club at 7.30pm. If you think you have relevant skills or experience to contribute to the planning process please get in touch and we would welcome your input to the meeting.

Explore Rowing Success

Congratulations to the GGBC Explore rowers who took first place at the Explore Rowing event at Reading Rowing Club last weekend. A great start to the season!


GGBC mugs are available at a cost of only £8 for a high quality specially commissioned bone china mug – great stocking fillers for all your family and friends! If you would like a set of 6 you only have to pay for 5 mugs – 6 for the price of 5 for £40. (photo attached)

Christmas cards will also shortly be available so please look out for these and order a pack or three.


Don’t forget as you start your Christmas shopping that if you shop online and go through the Easyfundraising website we benefit from donations made by the retailers. If all club members sign up to use this site we could easily generate some funds for the boathouse for no effort at all.

Shop through and raise a free donation for Goring Gap Boat Club every time you shop!

Corporate rowing events

We have a new flyer with details of corporate events that can be offered by the club. We have run these very successfully in the past and they offer a great team building opportunity. For further details or to book a corporate event please contact Stuart on

Monthly Boat Maintenance Sessions

A reminder that the next boat maintenance session is after the club session (11:00) on 14th October. Coffee / tea and biscuits provided & no experience required – come and join us!


GGBC members used to benefit from a Pilates class run specifically for the club but since this ended we have not had this opportunity. A number of members are keen to improve their flexibility and we have looked in to the options. There is currently a Pilates class at the Dolphin Centre in Pangbourne at 7.20pm on Tuesdays. If you are interested in joining this group please contact Alison. If the numbers are sufficient there may be a possibility of starting another class just for GGBC members. Pilates class price is £7.00 or £6.50 per class if you attend more than one class per week (other days/times available). More details

For Saturday and Sunday club sessions, we are aiming to have some stretching exercises (organised by Simone, Suz etc) for those arriving at 8:40am on Saturdays and 9:40am on Sundays.

Annual General Meeting

The GGBC AGM will take place on Wednesday 29 November at 7.30pm in Goring Social Club. Further details to follow but please add the date to your diary and come along and join us for a summary of the last year, plans for the next year and the election of a new committee. Committee posts are open to all club members and role descriptions are available to give you an idea what each post involves. If anyone is interested please talk to any of the current committee to find out more.