
All club members are expected to spare some time to volunteer their skills, brawn or just enthusiasm to help keep the club a wonderful place to be. Our fees are low. We have no paid staff. All work is carried out by volunteers and there are many ways you can volunteer.

Session Managers

We hope that all Club members volunteer to manage the club sessions after they have been members for 6 to 12 months. The Session Manager is a responsible role but it is not too demanding. It is not fair if it falls to a few members to do it. In the last six months 28 members have volunteered, over half of them more than once. We have over 200 members.

The job of the session manager is this. The best thing about being a session manager is you get to know your club and the people. And you will always have people around to ask for help. The first time you can shadow another SM. Please don’t be shy. Contact Jess to volunteer membership@goringgapbc.org.uk.


Everyone who rows in a boat with a cox should volunteer to be a cox once they have mastered the basics and can do so safely. The Charles Stanley Boats fit most behinds although some of the fine boats can be a squeeze!

We can train you and then you take out a boat with experienced stroke who will coach you on the water. If you have eyes and a voice then you are well equipped. Coxing really helps develop your own stroke and is actually fun.

To volunteer to cox please just say ‘me’ when someone asks if anyone is willing to cox. On fitclub.. just write (I’ll cox if needed) in the comments. We will make sure you don’t get asked too often.

And if you are or know of anyone who would just like to cox and not row, then membership is free!

Talk to Paul if you have any questions about coxing captainofrowing@goringgapbc.org.uk


From time to time we need working parties to help keep the grounds free from undesirable thugs (thistles, nettles, bindweed and goose grass) and encourage the plants we do want (sedge, wild flowers, grasses and of course the Loddon Lillies). We will post the working parties on Facebook and in the newsletters. They are good fun, you will meet fellow members and do your bit to encourage biodiversity in the Thames Valley! Plus if you can identify a weed please feel free to spend a few minutes pulling them out by their roots after a session. Bring gloves.

Site and Boathouse Development

Landscaping, building, growing grass roofs, plumbing, electrics, kitchen installation, gate building, It’s a long list. To join this crew on a Thursday or Friday morning contact Brian Barnes boathouse@goringgapbc.org.uk.

GGBC boathouse development team

Boat and equipment maintenance

We try to fix our own boats wherever possible saving the Club enormous amounts of money. If you know your way around a tube of resin and a clamp, that’s fine, but you don’t need experience. We will teach you. Contact Andy captainofboats@goringgapbc.org.uk.

Keeping the place clean, tidy and well stocked

Loos, kitchen, fridge, cups, tea towels, water containers, water urn, tables, chairs, notice boards, lost property, floors, stairs – all need to be looked after, topped up, scrubbed periodically, taken away and washed up in a dishwasher or washing machine. Contact the sitemanager@goringgapbc.org.uk to find out what’s needed, otherwise just do what you see needs doing. And please don’t leave your mess for someone else to clean up.

Super hero getting the job done

Organising Social Events and Trips

Any club member can organise social events and trips. If you have an idea we want to hear it. We encourage members to form small groups to manage these events.

Cleaning up the river

From time to time we take to the canoes, punts and flxed seat boats to fish out the rubbish that inevitably finds its way into the river. Very satisfying. Just don’t lean out the boat too far to grab that mars bar wrapper!

And lastly, but importantly, someone needs to go out each morning and sweep the river.