Regatta meetings 2017

Regatta meetings are scheduled for the following dates in 2017 on the third Tuesday of each month;

17 Jan;   21 Feb; 21 Mar;  18 April;  23 May  20 June.

Task list, priorities and due dates


Task Priority Due date Person Done
Decide on ticket prices for 2017 High
 Decide on crew entry price
 Decide on refund policy
 Decide on car parking and bus/transportation price
Decide on how we are taking payments from crews and dongola racing
Create flyers and posters (consider if we want a theme)
Make sure safety plan is up to date including lost child procedure
Organise food outlets
Arrange for bar, licence and volunteers
Ensure the boats needed for racing are repaired and ready
Contact advertisers
Get Landlord and Tenant permissions for the big day High Due Jan 31
Obtain trophies from last year’s winners
Engage regular suppliers
Get formal permissions from the EA, Police and West Berks Council
Contact non club member helpers and officials Jan 11, 2017
Assign people to tasks 31 Jan 2017
Fix dates and locations for meetings 9th Jan 11 Jan
Call for volunteers
Ensure gazebo booking is organised High 31 Jan Nick Bubb 11 Jan
Areas of work Who
Safety Jessica Fowler and Sara Benbow
PR Amy Dziedzicki
Sponsorship Lorraine
Advertising Lorraine
Programme Lorraine
Race Control Simone/Alison/Pamela
Logistics/set up BB
Catering/stalls BB
Signage Roger
Permissions BB
Tickets and Gazebos Nick Bubb
Course laying Ian Smith
Bar Vanessa and Kirsty
Finances John
Dry Side innovation TBA
Wet Side Alastair/Stuart/Andy/Roger