Now’s the time to enter your team into the 2017 Goring and Streatley Regatta and River Festival.
The regatta’s aim is to get as many crews onto the water who want to compete and there are three different classes so that complete beginners through to reasonably competent rowers can all compete on a fair basis over a short course, of 300 metres or 500 metres. Crews can enter on their own account, or represent pubs and workplaces.
We welcome novice rowers and people who have never rowed before. Events include coxed fours, single sculls, dongolas (a paddled punt!), and and canoes. There are races for men, women and mixed crews, and events for juniors and children.
We train our crews fully, maybe not enough to qualify for the Olympics but enough to get down the course quickly and safely.
Entries should be made on line – following these links:
For the more experienced rowers we have a number of invitation challenge races !
For more information:
- We provide training for the regatta crews.
- Clubs interested in our challenge races should contact to find out more.
- For more information about racing at the regatta email
- Read our conditions of racing
- Come down to one of our regular Saturday and Sunday club sessions to get a taster of rowing, or some sneaky pre-season practice!