Gig Rowing Expedition to Swanage

21 GGBC members travelled to Swanage last weekend, where some very patient members of the Swanage Gig Rowing Club taught us the strange and ancient art of gig rowing. The seats are for pushing against not sitting on, bowside is stroke side and visa versa, the cox really needs a life jacket (goodness it was quite bumpy in places!) and the oars were made out of kryptonite or whatever the heaviest material known to man is. No sliding seats – upper body muscle and a tub of sudocrem is all that is required.

But we all loved it! The sun shone on our efforts. We had a lovely evening in a roof top bar overlooking the bay and the YHA was really very nice indeed. A fabulous weekend away. Thank you Tom for organising.

Walking in the Lakes

About 20 members and friends took a few days in the Lakes organised by Alison (thank you Alison). A scramble up Helvellyn from behind our lodge was fun on the first day. A slightly more relaxed walk in the rain followed on Day 2. Always followed by tea, hot showers, a few beers, and some lovely food cooked by volunteers.

Sport in Mind Afternoon was a great success

Last Thursday, GGBC hosted Sport in Mind with an afternoon of land and water based fun. Lots of enjoyment was had by all, with people trying rowing in the Charles Stanley fours, paddle boarding, canoeing, and outings in Water Vole. A big thank you to all who helped.