AGM 17th November, 7.45pm at Goring Social Club

Just a quick reminder that the GGBC AGM will take place on Thursday next week. It will be held at the Goring Social Club on the High Street, and starts at 7-45pm.
The Club is collectively owned by its members, and the AGM is your formal opportunity to update yourself on activity, development, and finances over the last year, and to influence our plans and priorities for the next 12 months. The agenda of the meeting is attached, together with the provisional minutes of last year’s AGM. If you are coming, it would be helpful if you could bring your own copy of the agenda with you (if you require one).
At the end of the meeting, we will elect a new Committee to run the Club on our behalf for the next year. Under GGBC rules, Committee Members can only serve for a maximum of five consecutive years and, as a result, several of the current Committee will be stepping down next week. There are still a couple of Committee vacancies to fill and, with a record level of membership, it will be very disappointing if we cannot achieve this. In my view, it is always beneficial to bring newer members with fresh ideas on to the Committee, and none of the vacant roles are overly onerous, so do not be too shy or humble to put yourself forward. The Committee usually meets on a weekday evening every 5-6 weeks. Whether or not you can attend the AGM next week, please contact Hugh or Lorraine if you might be interested in standing for the Committee, or speak to any current Committee Member.

Planning application approved with conditions


GGBC’s planning application for a new boathouse has been granted!! Our thanks go out to Boathouse Sub-Committee for all their efforts over the last 8 months, to all Club members past and present who raised the money to fund our complex application, and to the WBC Planning Committee for listening to our case.

Now we have a site and a design for a permanent home, all we need to do is finance and build it. If you can help, or wish to get involved, please step forward and speak with a Club Committee member. There will be plenty to do, and a need for all kinds of skills.

In the meantime, we continue to row three times a week so please come along.

Many thanks



Clearing the barn

photo 5-001 photo 3 photo 4Last Saturday we cleared the barn holding all our regatta equipment to make space for the workmen to repair a roof beam. We moved the equipment to a safer place (in case the roof collapsed). For those of you who have not been there,  the buildings are historic and beautiful…

GGBC Annual General Meeting

The AGM is this week on Thursday 28th at 7-45pm at Goring Social Club, and will include the following –

1/. How the boathouse planning application has developed over the last 12 months, and its current status

2/. The current membership figures and breakdown

3/. A quick review of rowing activity over the last 12 months, including L-2-R courses and squad rowing

4/. A brief review of the Regatta

5/. Confirmation of our current fleet, any acquisitions and disposals over the last year, and any procurement or maintenance priorities

6/. A summary of fundraising activity in 2013 and plans for 2014

Please come along to the Social Club at  1 High St, Goring, Reading, Oxfordshire RG8 9BA